Logo 2. For Money Wasters:

2. For Money Wasters:

Start From Here 2. For Money Wasters: How much money have you wasted till now on courses, you didn’t attend? Then there is another kind of candidate who waste money. They join “n”number of courses here and there. They do not finish the entire course. And in most cases they Read more…


Read Here First Honestly, I don’t know anyone who have cleared exam without Guidance. In some cases guide was a senior or a selected friend or a Mentor. But someone was always there for them and most importantly the media play with such buzz words” Bina Coaching ke bane IAS”. Read more…

Logo 1. For Money savers:

1. For Money savers:

1. For Money savers: How much money have you saved at the cost of your 1 attempt? One type of candidate are money saver. They save the money at the cost of their attempt. They are obsessed with this thing “ Self-Study se bane IAS, Without coaching ke bane IAS” Read more…

Logo Thoughts


I asked my mentees to write down their thoughts before the final result and one of them wrote the below thoughts And guess what he got the RANK😊 And the line which has touched my heart : Coming from small town, house.. humare parents ko samajh v nhi ata ki Read more…

Logo Uncover the real beauty of PYQs

Uncover the real beauty of PYQs

Uncover the real beauty of Prelims PYQs Are you still dependent on the older, conventional, orthodox and phased out PYQ techniques? Do you know why these techniques couldn’t survive time? Due to a very simple reason – they were just cosmetic Students were made to believe that just by focusing Read more…