From businessman to leaders to sportsman have faced this dire problem where they were crushed and tested from time to time to the most vulnerable things in life. We aspirants are not untouched by this as well ,on the contrary, this pressure is what giving us many successful officers.

I can assure you that this one quote can be your daily reminder in the Journey of UPSC.

If your goal is to be in the services then you are ready to face the stones thrown at you in different forms and hues.
I will start with one basic issue – PROBLEM OF   COMPLETING SYLLABUS WHILE MANAGING TIME. This is an issue with many aspirants. As the date is released, we feel like, there is enough time in our hands which sometimes becomes an issue. Well,in these moments you definitely need a mentor who can keep you on track and guide you but ultimately it’s YOU who has to finish and achieve your targets.

Second, common Problem is LACK OF DISCIPLINE. Those who are into full fledged preparation mode mainly fail to keep them disciplined and get distracted with small events happening around them. Sometimes it’s like catching up with a friend or talking to near dear ones etc.. This is because we start feeling we have enough time in our hands to complete the task and micromanaging the tasks is missing. This is where SELF CONTROL plays the role. Your perception of discipline as a restriction or liberation matters a lot.

Third issue ,What to study and what not to study? Thanks to digital era there is no lack of content but mindlessly picking and studying definitely leads to unsuccessful outcome. PS – How come I forget the FOMO? One of your friend just randomly stated I have read this particular book too and we start feeling anxious what if questions are from here and we missed it?  That’s why You need UPSC SYLLABUS IN HAND as your daily reminder. Especially all those who are starting their preparation, please analyse and observe the syllabus for the first 7 days by heart. This will be a deal till you crack the exam !!

Emotional turmoil and fear of failure is natural in this jouney. Many of your relatives, family, friends start expecting a lot from the aspirants and this sometimes either boost us to study more or make us overconfident in our own approach. Don’t let this burnout you. All you need is PRAGMATIC APPROACH. It’s good to be appreciated but stick to your aim like an Eagle. No one will talk about your jouney till you reach the End goal.

Finally, I will conclude with one line PRESSURE IS A PRIVILEGE to start your journey of who you want to be in life. But in the process don’t forget who you are and what you are capable of.

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